*"Jumbler" is a new term more directly describing the age-group between the open-ended “young adult” and the broad “adults”. A jumbler is an intellectually sound and aware 17-27 year old with opinions and genuine concern or interest in the world around him/her as well as the issues affecting its communities.

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Thursday, April 04, 2013

Arrival of College Safety Apps

In a perfect world, the issue of safety would not need to be an important factor that students must consider in their college decision-making process. As it happens, college safety is indeed a poignant factor to turn over. Luckily, however, technology is headed in a direction where the stock in safety conditions can be less risky. Developers are on the scramble to design the best there is in a college safety app. This will no doubt make considerable headway in making college campuses safer, therein providing some peace of mind to students and parents alike.

Consider the following: 1 of every 22 college students will experience a crime during their time at school. Also consider, that by 2016, 91% of students will have a smartphone. Seventy-three percent already do. It is no wonder, then, why developers would want to create a college safety app. With the myriad of apps that already exist for every purpose you can dream of, a viable college safety app will undoubtedly become as commonplace an item on every student's phone as is YouTube.

Without a doubt, mobile phones are any student's preferred medium. And with the advent of the Internet on them, students have begun to use their cell phones more and more for the same reasons that got them glued to computers in the first place: entertainment, communication, and to stay informed. Certainly, the purpose of a college safety app will touch on the latter two, except instead of the often useless information about social groups and celebrities they soak up, it would be information that will help keep them from harm, and maybe even save their lives.

Just as online social media platforms have rampaged the everyday social schema, a college safety app can reinvent the approach on safety by using the same sort of concepts. What students need is a college safety app that keeps them consistently connected to law enforcement in a way that will open dialogue and dampen the hardened image that students often feel regarding campus security.

If law enforcement decides to pick up on this sitting duck of an opportunity, engaging students in safety can be an easier task than ever before, and ultimately will create safer college communities as a whole. Then, deciding on which college to attend can be much more based on the level of education provided and not on the level of safety - all the more help in the effort for building a perfect world.

-Eman Pahlavani

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