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Diepreye Alamieyeseigha |
Just the other day I read some news that I can simply not go without commenting on and to which I must bring attention. It is sad and embarrassing to read about the recent president's pardon granted to Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, the former governor of Bayelsa State in Nigeria. Mind you, Alamieyeseigha was already impeached and later pleaded guilty to corruption charges. Investigators said he used government money to acquire property in Britain and Nigeria worth more than $10 million.
I find it hard to understand even the faintest of reasons as to why the president of Nigeria will even so much as associate his name with this convicted criminal. If we go back to just moments after his swearing into office, we can profoundly remember him promising to fight corruption. This is not just a step backward, but a complete insult to everyone who voted for him. Every day, millions of hard working Nigerians in Nigeria and other countries around the world fight to improve the already diminished and shameful negative image of Nigeria. Now, for the president himself to come out and publicly call someone like Alamieyeseigha his “boss”… excuse me, but is there something I’m missing?? Again, this man is a convicted criminal!
And so, our beloved country has fallen to the level where the supposed figure-head can go as far as call Alamieyeseigha- the criminal- his boss. In a democracy such as ours, which we so boast of, shouldn’t the boss of the president be we, the citizens? But no, instead, the one person the whole country elected to lead somehow has a convicted criminal as a boss. That is disgraceful in every sense. It is overwhelmingly annoying and pitiful. At this point, I am dumbfounded and equally astonished at the mediocrity our country has fallen to.
With this single action the president has taken, it is fair to admit that we might be the single most openly corrupt nation in the world. How can a president who claims to fight corruption go about openly defending and pardoning someone convicted of that very thing? I have personally given up on this administration’s promise to fight corruption. There can truly be no end to such corruption, then, as long as we have officials like our president promoting this behavior. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, in this way, has betrayed the trust of all Nigerians and for honor’s sake should find a way of amending this tragic error.
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